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2 colors 6pm Somewhere Great Boarder: Tula Pink Curiouser and Curiouser 100 percent cotton High Quality Quilting Fabric sold by the yard.
3 colors Tea Time Tula Pink Curiouser and Curiouser 100 percent cotton High Quality Quilting Fabric sold by the yard.
Queen Motif STRIP approx. 8.5”x44” Tula Pink Curiouser and Curiouser sold by motif strip,
Alice Clearance 34.5" Approx -Tula Pink Curiouser and Curiouser 100 percent cotton High Quality Quilting Fabric
Down the Rabbit Hole Clearance Tula Pink Curiouser and Curiouser 100 percent cotton High Quality Quilting Fabric sold by the yard.
Custom Quilt Design Service
Custom Quilting (see samples in photo gallary) Down Payments hold your place in the que and are credited toward total bill (NON-Refundable)
33x42 Handmade Quilt Moon and Stars Stay Wild Moon Child
34x41 Baby Quilt Handmade Bunnies and Sheep